Ratio Test to Determine if a Series Converges

Using the Ratio Test to Determine if a Series Converges or Diverges
In this video, I explore how to use the Ratio Test to determine whether a given infinite series converges or diverges. The Ratio Test is a powerful tool for examining the behavior of series, and we’ll go through two complete examples to see how it works in practice. This video will enhance your understanding of series convergence, absolute convergence, and how to apply the ratio test effectively. Don’t forget to check out the follow-up video where we tackle two more examples!

What You Will Learn:

How to apply the Ratio Test to determine the convergence or divergence of a series.

Step-by-step process for solving series problems with the ratio test.

Understanding the conditions for series convergence (L less than 1), divergence (L greater than 1), or inconclusiveness (L = 1).

Practice with two distinct examples to solidify your understanding.

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