Optics Physics Crash Course

This Crash Course Outline is Based on The University Physics with Modern Physics Textbook

Young, Hugh D., Roger A. Freedman, Todd R. Sandin, and A. Lewis Ford. University Physics with Modern Physics. 15th ed. Pearson, 2019.

33. The Nature and Propagation of Light
33.1 The Nature of Light
33.2 Reflection and Refraction
33.3 Total Internal Reflection
33.4 Dispersion
33.5 Polarization
33.6 Scattering of Light
33.7 Huygens’s Principle

34. Geometric Optics
34.1 Reflection and Refraction at a Plane Surface
34.2 Reflection at a Spherical Surface
34.3 Refraction at a Spherical Surface
34.4 Thin Lenses
34.5 Cameras
34.6 The Eye
34.7 The Magnifier
34.8 Microscopes and Telescopes

35. Interference
35.1 Interference and Coherent Sources
35.2 Two-Source Interference of Light
35.3 Intensity in Interference Patterns
35.4 Interference in Thin Films
35.5 The Michelson Interferometer

36. Diffraction
36.1 Fresnel and Fraunhofer Diffraction
36.2 Diffraction from a Single Slit
36.3 Intensity in the Single-Slit Pattern
36.4 Multiple Slits
36.5 The Diffraction Grating
36.6 X-Ray Diffraction
36.7 Circular Apertures and Resolving Power
36.8 Holography

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